Best ranking : top 60 FIP
It was in 2022 that Luis presented himself to us, a professional career in his sights but not enough of a partner to be competitive. Today, present at the Premier Padel tournaments, we are delighted to have contributed to its development. You will have the chance to see him training at the club but also to wear our colors during the French Interclub N1 Championships
Side of preference
Gameplay style
Lively and dynamic

Leo Poulain
Best ranking : top 200 FR
We have been supporting Léo since (almost) the start of his Road to Pro project. Not a week goes by without us discussing new projects. Very happy with this partnership which we are sure contributes to the development of Padel in France
Side of preference

Gameplay style
Finesse et touché

Kev Tatz
Best ranking : top 800 fr
Kev is the first amateur player / influencer we wanted to support. His spontaneity, his commitment and his love for competition match 100% with our values. Proud to be able to highlight such a personality
Side of preference
Gameplay style
Lively and dynamic